Providing portrait and commercial photography in Eastern Iowa for over 20 years.

Photographer. Mom. Cedar Rapidian for Life.

Hi! I’m Jill Maybanks, owner of Jill Christine Photography (as you probably could’ve guessed!).  

I was born and raised in Cedar Rapids. My photography career started at the Westdale Mall in 1990, where I worked at a 1-hour portrait studio. This after-school job quickly became my passion, and I headed off to Hawkeye Community College to get my degree in photography

After graduation, I worked in a studio, assisting a commercial photographer (who shot everything from oil filters to Bibles) before deciding to venture out on my own. Jill Christine Photography was born in 2002 using my apartment as my studio! 

These days, my studio is in the historic Smulekoffs building, and you can find me photographing corporate clients, seniors, dancers, and families all over the Corridor. 

You can also find me and my husband, Matthew, trying to keep up with our 3 awesome girls: Winnie, Ruby, and Millie!

Talking about myself is one of my least favorite things to do - I’d much rather hear from you! Send me a note with your questions or let me know what type of photos you’re looking for.